91st Annual Convention of The Florida State Grotto Association September 25th & 26th, 2020

Prophets and Ladies,

It has been an interesting year, to say the least. After our cruise was canceled we have been scrambling to get Plan B together for our annual convention. For those who registered for the cruise, we appreciate your patience while we wait for our deposit refunds from the cruise line. I would like to thank Prophet Steven Ledewitz, PM for his assistance arranging hotel accommodations for us, Prophet Phillip Moffses, PM, PPFSGA, as Chairman of The Ormazd Grotto Convention Committee and his expert counsel, Prophet Paul Ritchie, PM, SCDD, 2VPFSGA, for heading up our hospitality at the hotel and pulling together a ceremonial to be held on Saturday the 26th. But most of all I want to thank my wife, Natasha, for helping plan the entire event and mainly putting up with me during this whirlwind to make Plan B a reality!

Be sure to reserve your hotel accommodations prior to August 25th and get the below registration form sent in with your payment before September 1st.

Within our bylaws, we have a directive to publish The Prophet’s Guide for each annual convention. You will find the form to purchase an ad on page 8 of the below registration form. I am formally requesting all Florida Grottoes to please purchase an ad and to solicit ads from your local Blue Lodges, appendant bodies, and any Florida businesses that would like to be exposed to a larger demographic. Please have your artwork and payment submitted by September 5th to be included in the publication.

Florida Grotto Secretaries, remember to turn in your necrology report to the FSGA Executive Secretary, John Borsa, PM, PPFSGA by September 1st to have your deceased prophets and ladies included in the program.

We will do our best to observe any and all Covid-19 related ordinances in place at the time of the convention and will only ask everyone to do what makes them comfortable. We only ask that you b respectful of other Prophets and their level of comfort.

In closing, I want to wish Ormazd Grotto a Happy 90th birthday! I look forward to seeing all of you in September!

Yours in Good Fellowship,
Craig Frazier, PM, SCDD
President, Pro-temp
Florida State Grotto Association
(913) 957-7651

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