Meet our Dr. of Smiles

W.M. Rolando Vargas
Ormazd Grotto’s Dr. of Smiles

The Dr. of Smiles—Grotto volunteers– are key to the operation of the dental program. They are the Grotto representatives in the community who work with families, dentists, and the Humanitarian Foundation to ensure that special kids get special smiles.

The local Grotto is also very important to the dental program as they sponsor the individual child into the program.

At the first Dr. Smiles seminar in 2011, Edward Sterling, DDS, (Achbar Grotto) aptly described what a Dr. of Smiles does and who he is in the following way:

A Doctor of Smiles is a:

M ediator
A mbassador
N egotiator

O riginator
F acilitator

G rantor of Help
R ecruiter
A dvocate
C onduit
E nabler