The 1st Annual Ron Bisson My790AM “Reel in 4 Autism” to Support Pals and their families
FACT: Autism affects thousands of children in Lake County, and shows an alarming growth rate of between 6 and 15% every year. According to CDC statistics, 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism. Autism is a lifetime disability.
FACT: Children with autism benefit greatly from socialization and activity. (So do their families!) PALS seeks to optimize social opportunities so that these individuals with autism are integrated into the local communities as contributing members of society.
FACT: WLBE’s Ron Bisson has a long history in Central Florida of raising awareness (not to mention money) for a list of charitable causes, including an annual six-figure amount for Orlando’s Ronald McDonald House.
Ron has turned his philanthropic interests toward Cards and Pals at the University of Central Florida, and with the support of the Leesburg and Lake County civic and governmental agencies, is hosting the First Annual “Reel in 4 Autism”. This event allows business leaders in Leesburg/Lake County the opportunity to:
Show their support of a great cause
Directly interact with hundreds of guests on this ground-floor opportunity
When: October 29, 2016
Where: Venetian Gardens, Ski Beach-201 E Dixie Ave, Leesburg 34748
What: Family Fishing Fun Day and Picnic