Per our bylaws, you may purchase a Life Membership:

Section 7. Life Membership
a) Any member of this Grotto who is in good standing may commute all future dues and become a Life Member upon payment of a fee equal to 20 times the annual dues as stated in Article VII, Section 3, but shall still be responsible for any and all Supreme Council per capita, fees, and assessments as well as any Association dues. (Annual dues for 2025 are $117.00)

The breakdown for Supreme per capita & assessments is as follows:
Per Capita – $20.00
Convention – $2.00
Memorial Properties – $1.50
Magazine – $4.00
Membership -$2.50
Members without Enchanted Lanterns – $1.00
Florida State Grotto Association -$1
Southeastern Grotto Association – $1
Total Per Capita, fees, Assessments, and Association Dues = $33 ($32 With Lantern)